Real estate photography isn’t a skill one can learn overnight. It requires an understanding of the lighting, composition, color accuracy, symmetry…A professional real estate photographer uses modern photography equipment and is obliged to know how to edit or post-process images. He has to put himself in the shoes of buyers in order to take photos which would lead to a sale. Images must highlight home’s best features and they can draw attention to appealing details, and showcase the potential of a house to become someone’s home. The benefits of hiring a professional real estate photographer are immense. Property owners who use professional photos sell 50% faster than those who use standard photos and 95% of homebuyers said photos were the most useful tool for investigating properties. Homes or apartments rent or sell far more quickly with professional photos. Almost 90% of prospective buyers turn online for their property purchase. It means that their first contact with the property is through images. By investing in professional, high-resolution images you will look more serious to your customers and make more money.
Po istrazivanjima,profesionalno fotografisane nekretnine se prodaju ili izdaju za cak 50% brze od onih koje se promovisu amaterski uradjenim fotografijama.Cak 95% kupaca je izjavilo da su prilikom odabira ili razmatranja kupovine neke nekretnine-fotografije bile najbitniji inicijator. Mozemo lako da zakljucimo da je ulaganje u promociju nekretnina pomocu profesionalno uradjenih fotografija visestruko isplativo.
Nekretnine se fotografisu kamerom visoke rezolucije i sve unutrasnje prostorije su osvijetljene blicem kako bi boje bile prikazane na najvjerniji nacin.Takodje,svaka fotografija je obradjena u Adobe programima.Za fotografisanje nekretnina spolja, koristim dron na mjestima na kojima je to moguce.